Sunday, January 31, 2010

My Name Is Khan Story

My Name is Khan is set post 9/11 and focuses on the discrimination Rizwan Khan faces as he is a Muslim.

Rizwan Khan (Shah Rukh Khan) suffers from Asperger’s Syndrome, a type of Autism. He falls in love with a Hindu woman Mandira (Kajol) who is also a single mother ...
Read the full story
Movie Details
Genre: Drama
Language: Hindi
Release date and status: Releasing on Feb 12, 2010

Shah Rukh’s New Movies My Name is Khan News and Dispute

MUMBAI: Intensifying its protest against actor Shah Rukh Khan for supporting the cause of Pakistani cricketers in the Indian Premier League (IPL) fiasco, the Shiv Sena on Sunday held a demonstration outside his home here, even as the actor and his colleague Aamir Khan were dubbed by the party as “2 Idiots.”

“Shah Rukh should go to Pakistan if he wants to speak in favour of Pakistani players,” said Shiv Sena leader and MLC Anil Parab, who led the party activists in protesting at ‘Mannat,’ Mr. Khan’s home in suburban Bandra. The police stepped up security ahead of the protests.

The Sainiks displayed a ‘ticket’ from Mumbai to Pakistan and demanded a ban on the actor’s upcoming movie My Name is Khan.

Supporting the protest, senior party leader Manohar Joshi said: “This is the issue of patriotism and Shah Rukh should not interfere in politics…He has been staying in Mumbai for years but has never spoken anything for Marathi.”

The protests came after suspected Shiv Sena activists went on the rampage on Friday tearing down posters of Mr. Khan in Thane district over his remarks that Pakistani cricketers should not have been ignored for the third edition of the IPL tournament.

After targeting him, the party also dragged in Aamir Khan, calling the duo “2 Idiots.”

“In real life, Aamir and Shah Rukh have been proved as ‘2 Idiots,’ as both are making stupid statements supporting the cause of Pakistani cricketers,” said a statement in the Sena’s Hindi mouthpiece Dopahar Ka Saamna.

Joint Police Commissioner (Law and Order) Himanshu Roy said several policemen have been deployed outside the actor’s bungalow to avoid any untoward incident after the police received information that Shiv Sena activists would hold protests there. Those violating the law would be dealt with severely, he said.

Mr. Khan had not asked for any security at his residence, Additional Police Commissioner Amitabh Gupta said.

The actor also earned the ire of Vishwa Hindu Parishad leader Praveen Togadia, who asked Hindus to boycott all of the actor’s movies.

“By favouring the inclusion of Pakistani cricketers, Shah Rukh has proved that he is a Muslim first and foremost and that he will continue to support Pakistan at the cost of our own national interests,” Mr. Togadia said in Allahabad.

“Hindus must not accept this blatantly unpatriotic stance of the actor…They must register their protest by boycotting all such movies in which the actor has played a role,” he added.

The Sena statement in Dopahar Ka Saamna said: “On the one hand, while SRK is openly displaying his love for Pakistani players, Aamir has even put nationalistic sentiments in his utterances on this issue…According to Aamir, if any cricketer is good, he would like to have him in his team, it makes no difference to him which country he belongs to.” — PTI

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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

New Bing SEO Update For You

Just a quick one today following on from my look at how Bing could be ranking sites yesterday.

I have had comments here on the blog, on twitter and even by email looking for a little more proof that Bing is putting their main emphasis on domain age and target anchor percentage. For anyone who missed the post yesterday, target anchor percentage means the percentage of backlinks that are anchored with your target keyword.

Today I wanted to back up the evidence from yesterday with some more lovely figures :) I decided to use linkscape and the SEOmoz tool set to take an indepth look at the keyword “make money”. I chose this one due to the competition and the fact that most sites targeting this phrase are heavily optimised.

Below are the results and again I have circled the areas “I” think Bing are putting the most emphasis on for ranking purposes.

The two sites are:

Experienced People – Number 1 on Google for “make money”.

Making Online Money – Number 1 on Bing

Bing SEO

Thursday, January 21, 2010

New SEO update For today

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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

SHAH RUKH KHAN - Autobiography

My mother was born and brought up in Hyderabad. She was a strong and beautiful woman. She resemble Waheeda Rehman. My father also was extremely handsome. I don't think I'm good-looking but they were a very good-looking couple. The met incidentally under strange circumstances. Injured in a car accident, my mother needed blood. My father who happened to be at the hospital at that time gave her blood. In this process of helping my mother to revive, they fell in love.

And though my father was about eleven years older than my mother, her family consented because he had sort of saved the family. In bringing up my sister Shehnaz and me, my parents never made any difference, though I think my sister was closed to my parents because she is six years older to me. I was born at a time when my parents weren't doing well financially. But I don't remember facing any hardship on that account. My father was a chief engineer. My mother was a social worker, a first class magistrate. She had studied in Oxford. She was among the first few Muslim women to have achieved so much. She has been an executive magistrate for the longest tenure recorded. She used to deal with juvenile delinquents. I was not a stubborn kid.

But if I wanted something badly enough I would go out and get it. I was exposed to the Ram Leela, I acted in it as one of the monkey. I wrote short stories.. shairis.. my father made me recite them. I remember once there was this aunt who wore horrendously pink lipstick and I composed a corny poem in praise of her lipstick. I think she was secretly pleased. My parents let me do my own thing, they only wanted me to do well in my studies...which I did. There were no restrictions. I could sleep at any time, go out anytime. If I bashed up some child's teeth, my father saw to it that I dealt with the child's father myself... I realized that parents weren't authority but they were friends. I would imitate Mumtaz, I would mimic people. I'm doing all this even today. And guess what? I'm being paid handsomely for it.

An outgoing kind of person, mom took a lot of initiative in everything. I remember when my father was ill, he had cancer for eight months, we lost everything we had.

One injection used to cost about Rs 5000 and we had to organise about 23 injections in ten days. It was an expensive affair and our business went down. At that time my mother would work day and night. She would get the money some way. She really looked after my father.

After his death in '81 she revived his business and ran it proficiently. I inherited workaholism from her. She never said no to anything. Like when I went to college, I said I wanted a car. And the next day, there was a car outside. She never forced me to do anything. She never even forced me to take over the big business that we had finally when she died.

When I told her I wanted to act, join films she did not stop me. I wanted to do my masters in film making. I was very good. I had got admission in NSD. I didn't want to do it but she told me, "just get admission". So I gave my admission test and got in. I remember I used to be very bad in Hindi. I would get zero on ten. And she used to tell me, "If you get ten on ten, I'll take you for a film". And from that day to date I have topped in Hindi at all times I remember the first film she took me to see was Dev Anand's Joshilaa. Her favourite actors were Bishwajeet and Joy Mukherji.

I think I inherited my sense of humour from my father, who too had a lot of respect for women. I remember once I had gone and blown somebody's letterbox. And this south indian lady came down and complained to my father, "Your son troubles my daughter". He looked at her and said, "If she is as pretty as you are and if I was as young as my son, I'd probably do the same thing". She started laughing. He said it so gently and nicely. He was very respectful to women because he had an older sister and a mother whom he was very close to. He taught me how to be gentle with women.

When my father died, I didn't cry. I thought it was heroic. I was one of the pall-bearers, I thought I had become a little big man. But I felt cheated despite the fact that he had prepared me for his death... And my mother's death made me realize that nothing is permanent. I stopped hoping for anything. I cried a lot. Nothing shocks me anymore.

daughter Suhana (born on 22nd of May 2000)

SHAH RUKH KHAN - Biography - Fact File

First Name: Shah Rukh
Last Name: Khan

Called: The King Khan, Baadshah of Bollywood

Day of Birth: 2nd of November, 1965

Place of Birth: Talwar Nursing Home (Rajinder Nagar) New Delhi-India

Shah Rukh was born with the umbilical cord entangled around his neck. A nurse said that it was by the blessings of Hanuman and that he would be a very lucky child.

Mother: Fatima Begum
(a social worker and a first class magistrate, who died of complications from diabetes in 1991)

Mir Taj Mohammed (a lawyer and a freedom fighter, who died of cancer in 1981)

Siblings: one sister named Shehnaz fondly called Lala Rukh

Zodiac Sign: scorpio

Religion: Muslim

Height: 5'9'' (around 1,75 m)

Weight: around 75 kg

Eyes: magic brown

Hair Color: shiney black

High School: St. Columbia High School In New Delhi.

Graduated from Hansraj College, & then Masters in Mass Communication from Jamiya Miliya Islamiya, New Delhi

Qualifications and Achievements:

# Masters; A Brilliant Student
# Sword of Honour to the most outstanding student
# The Ravi Subramani award
# The Sujit Memorial award
# He captained all teams in football, hockey, and cricket
# He was also good in dramatics
# He was a king in Hindi, Electronics, Biology


actor, producer
If not an Actor:
In the arm force or a school teacher.
Start his Career:
in a TV serial called "Fauji"
Film Debut:
Deewana (2002)

Hobbies & Interests:

his family, his work, playing computer games

Martial Status: Married, since October 25, 1991 with Gauri Chibber / Khan
(born 8th of October 1970)

son Aryan (born on the 13th of November, 1997)